Talks and workshops

Tailored for your company where I share what I've learned over more than 30 years of experience in product management and digital transformation.

In-company talks and training

Talks and workshops tailored to meet the company's needs to address topics that will help the team deliver more results from their digital products.

If you believe a private talk or in-company workshop can benefit your team, please get in touch through email or WhatsApp.

Continuing Education Proogram

The Continuing Education Program is made up of 3 elements:

  • Kick-off talk for the entire company, entitled Lessons Learned from a Digital Transformation, where I present practical examples of how product culture can enhance a company’s digitalization journey.
  • Monthly training sessions on product management and digital transformation topics, to help company people learn about concepts, principles, and tools that help create successful digital products. There is a standard sequence, which can be revised to suit the company’s needs. All product and design people, technology leaders, and leaders from other company areas must participate in this training. For more details about the content, access this document.
  • Mentoring, individual or group sessions, where we work on topics seen in training or other relevant topics.

Sessions can be in-person or remote!

Talks and workshops

In addition to the Continuing Education Program, we can provide talks and tailor-made training where we define which topics I should cover to meet the specific needs of your company.

  • Lectures: can last from 30 minutes to 1 hour and can be followed by question and answer sessions.
  • Workshops: can range from a 2-hour session to 16 hours of training depending on the content that will be covered. Longer sessions can be delivered in full-day training sessions (in-person) or broken into smaller sessions of 2-3 hours in length when remote.

Check out what people are saying about my services. On this other page, you can see a list of my clients.

Does it make sense for your company? Let’s talk! Just make an appointment on my calendar or, If you prefer, please get in touch through email or WhatsApp.

Check out some of my public talks

Você também pode ver a lista completa no YouTube.

Check out some of my podcast participation

You can also check the full list on Spotify or YouTube.