
2 de July, 2024

Why the “business demands => IT implements” model does not work

I have been working for some time in companies undergoing digital transformation or with individuals, including C-level executives, unfamiliar with digital product development methods. One of […]
22 de June, 2024

Another way to show the product vision: a letter from the client

In 2023, I formed a partnership with IFTL, Institute for Training in Technology and Leadership, to create CPO Mentoring similar to the CTO Mentoring that they […]
16 de June, 2024

The fallacies of product-market fit

I’m going to take a break from the articles I’m publishing, which are chapters from my latest book, “Digital transformation and product culture: How to put […]
26 de May, 2024

The biases of the Agile Manifesto and Agility

The Agile Manifesto, published in February 2001, is 23 years old. It was essential for changing the way we make software. It was created and signed […]
21 de May, 2024

Focus on the problem

It is human nature to solve problems. Whenever we hear about problems, we almost immediately switch to problem-solving mode: searching for solutions. However, suppose we first […]
23 de April, 2024

Using product mindset in services, or is it the other way around?

With this article, I open a new topic I want to address here: the topic of my “new” startup, Gyaco. I put the word new in […]
20 de March, 2024

Agile, digital and product culture

To increase the chances of success in a digital transformation, it is essential to create and foster a digital culture, also known as a product culture. […]
12 de March, 2024

Business models

This article is another excerpt from my newest book “Digital transformation and product culture: How to put technology at the center of your company’s strategy“, which […]
14 de February, 2024

Project and product

This article is another excerpt from my newest book “Digital transformation and product culture: How to put technology at the center of your company’s strategy“, which […]