
5 de March, 2024

Type of company vs digital maturity

This article is another excerpt from my newest book “Digital transformation and product culture: How to put technology at the center of your company’s strategy“, which […]
19 de February, 2024

Uncertainty and digital transformation

This article is another excerpt from my newest book “Digital transformation and product culture: How to put technology at the center of your company’s strategy“, which […]
8 de August, 2023

Productizing exceptions

If you have a B2B product focused on bigger customers, the product manager must pay full attention to special requests. There are few customers, but all […]
31 de May, 2023

The IT problem

I have talked to some people lately about IT departments and how they seem disconnected from the companies they belong to, often being very reactive to […]
24 de May, 2023

What if we stop treating software development as a project?

When we treat software development as a project, we are giving it a start and an end, since all projects have clearly defined starts and ends. […]
18 de April, 2023

Visiontype, a day in the life of your user

I’ve already mentioned in previous articles what is and how to create a product vision. By the way, this is the topic of my workshop on […]
21 de March, 2023

How to increase productivity?

In the last few weeks, 3 of my clients have asked about how to increase the productivity of their product development teams. Interestingly, this is the […]
7 de March, 2023

Principles before tools and frameworks

It is common to hear comments from people who are getting to know about digital product management and development and even those who have been working […]
1 de March, 2023

Focus or diversification?

Okay, I convinced you that those who do not diversify can get into a difficult situation, because a single product company ends up dying sooner or […]