
9 de March, 2020

What is the difference between project management and product management?

In this series of articles where I write about the relationship between product management and the other areas of the company, I wrote about: UX and […]
1 de January, 2020

Projects vs problems

The new year is time for retrospective and planning. What is normally done every quarter by most product development teams is done more intensely during the […]
23 de August, 2016

Quadrupling software development productivity without increasing team size and without quality loss

I wrote some time ago an article about how to organize product development teams and about some changes we made ​​in the software development teams at Locaweb. Since last year […]
11 de August, 2016

More lessons learned on OKR

Some time ago I explained how we replaced roadmaps for OKRs at Locaweb. In that article I also talked about some lessons learned. Recently we made a retrospective of the last quarter […]