
14 de May, 2024

Case study: Itaú Unibanco

The next case study on deliver early and often comes from Itaú Unibanco, one of the largest financial institutions in Latin America. The group, in operation […]
24 de May, 2023

What if we stop treating software development as a project?

When we treat software development as a project, we are giving it a start and an end, since all projects have clearly defined starts and ends. […]
25 de October, 2022

What is the difference between project management and product management?

As with the functions of product marketing and product management which, as we saw in the previous chapter, are quite distinct but overlapping, project management and […]
1 de March, 2022

Cone of Uncertainty is another reason why we need to deliver early and often

I already wrote about 3 reasons why it is important to deliver your product early and often to your users. Now I want to give you […]
22 de February, 2022

What’s the difference between product and project?

I already wrote about the difference between product management and project management but I believe there’s room to go a bit deeper on the differences between […]
2 de March, 2021


As I commented in the chapter Roles, responsibilities and seniority, expectations management is something that occupies between 50 to 80% of the time of a head […]
11 de February, 2021

Visão de produto

Apesar de ser apenas 10% do tempo de um líder de produto, definição de visão de produto é sua responsabilidade mais importante. Sem a clareza de […]
15 de December, 2020

Release early and often

In the previous chapters we saw my personal leadership principles: People: priority # 1, always Leading is like being a doctor Leading under pressure Mentoring is […]
13 de October, 2020

Leadership anti-patterns

An anti-pattern is a common but ineffective and counterproductive response to a problem. This term was coined by Andrew Koenig in 1995, inspired by the 1994 […]