
3 de October, 2023

Is there any situation where product discovery is not necessary?

I haven’t written for some time. The reason is that I am working with a client in a more hands-on way, which I call interim CPO, […]
8 de August, 2023

Productizing exceptions

If you have a B2B product focused on bigger customers, the product manager must pay full attention to special requests. There are few customers, but all […]
18 de April, 2023

Visiontype, a day in the life of your user

I’ve already mentioned in previous articles what is and how to create a product vision. By the way, this is the topic of my workshop on […]
21 de March, 2023

How to increase productivity?

In the last few weeks, 3 of my clients have asked about how to increase the productivity of their product development teams. Interestingly, this is the […]
24 de January, 2023

Downsizing and layoffs

During my 30+ years leading teams in technology companies, I have seen and felt the effects of some crises and recessions. According to Wikipedia, since 1990, […]
27 de December, 2022

Defining Responsibilities

In the chapter What is the difference between product marketing and product management? I commented on how marketing 4Ps (Product, Price, Promotion, and Place) are distributed […]
20 de December, 2022

The main reason why products fail

If we search on Google for reasons why tech products fail, we will find many articles with many possible reasons explaining product failures. From 3 of […]
7 de December, 2022

Discovery is not a process

It’s pretty common for people who are new to product development to think that product discovery is a process, but we need to understand that’s incorrect. […]
15 de March, 2022

Growth: what is roadmap and OKR?

The roadmap is a very useful tool for product managers. It enables us to plan and communicate the view of the future that you have for […]