
20 de December, 2022

The main reason why products fail

If we search on Google for reasons why tech products fail, we will find many articles with many possible reasons explaining product failures. From 3 of […]
7 de December, 2022

Discovery is not a process

It’s pretty common for people who are new to product development to think that product discovery is a process, but we need to understand that’s incorrect. […]
30 de August, 2022

UX and product management

The next area I want to comment on is the UX area which, along with product engineering and product management, forms the core product development team. […]
19 de April, 2022

Another example of an MVD – Minimum Viable Discovery

Lopes is the biggest real estate company in Brazil, where I’m leading the digital transformation efforts. A new hire who came from an e-commerce site mentioned that […]
31 de January, 2022

The 2 sides of Product Discovery

By the end of 2021, I had the opportunity to re-record the classes I gave at Cursos PM3 on the fundamentals of product management. It was […]
11 de February, 2020

UX and product management

I spoke previously about the relationship between Engineering and Product Management. The next area I want to comment on is the UX area which, along with product […]
15 de September, 2011

Agile Product Discovery in a Non-Startup Environment

I mentioned here about my lean startup Experiment (phase 1 and phase 2). I’ll post an update on this topic soon. Here I want to share […]
5 de July, 2008

"Getting Real" is an excellent PM handbook

37signals is “a privately-held Chicago-based company committed to building the best web-based software products possible with the least number of features necessary. “ They wrote a […]
4 de May, 2008

Bezos on Innovation

In a recent interview published in Business Week site, Jeff Bezos,’s founder talks about innovation at Amazon. It is worth reading it all but I […]